How to Use an AED
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Practical Guide to Using an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED)
Initial Steps in AED Usage
This guide assumes initial emergency response actions, like scene safety and wearing gloves, have already been performed. It starts from the point of AED arrival at the emergency scene.
Preparing the Patient
- Ensure the patient's chest is fully exposed to attach the AED pads effectively.
- Remove any obstructive clothing, including undergarments, for clear pad placement.
- Inspect for any medical devices like pacemakers or metal patches that might interfere with the defibrillation process.
- Securely place the AED pads on clean, bare skin.
Operating the AED
- Turn on the AED unit and follow the vocal instructions.
- Adhere the pads to the specified areas on the patient's chest.
- Ensure everyone is clear of the patient before analyzing the rhythm and delivering a shock if advised.
- Continue with CPR as guided by the AED, following the metronome and feedback for effective compressions.
Key Points in AED Usage
- Speed is crucial: Aim to attach the AED within four minutes for a higher survival chance.
- Use visual and auditory prompts from the AED for accurate and effective CPR.
- Continue the process until emergency services arrive and take over.
Using an AED is a critical skill in emergency situations. This guide provides a simplified yet comprehensive approach to effectively operate an AED and perform life-saving actions.
Learning Outcomes:
- IPOSi Unit two LO1.5 & 2.4
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