Using Oxygen
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How to Use Oxygen Cylinder and Non-Rebreather Mask
Overview of Oxygen Delivery
Learn the proper procedure for using an oxygen cylinder and non-rebreather mask.
Components of the Oxygen Cylinder
The oxygen cylinder consists of:
- Bottom cylinder
- Identification tank in the middle
- Regulator at the top
The regulator features:
- Contents gauge
- Main on-off button
- Hinged cover for the outlet
- Control knob
Using the Non-Rebreather Mask
The non-rebreather mask is essential for delivering oxygen:
- Secure the mask over the patient's head.
- Turn on the cylinder by rotating the black knob anticlockwise.
- Connect the mask to the regulator.
- Adjust the flow rate using the control knob to 15 litres per minute.
- Monitor the inflation of the mask's bag.
Ending Oxygen Delivery
To stop oxygen flow:
- Turn the knob at the top of the regulator to zero.
- Depressurize the regulator by twisting the main knob clockwise.
Safety Precautions
Consider the following safety precautions when using oxygen:
- Avoid using oxygen in enclosed spaces; open windows if necessary.
- Keep oxygen away from dirt or oils to prevent hazards.
- Regularly check for leaks and ensure proper storage.
- Transport cylinders carefully; avoid dropping them.
Always adhere to local policies and procedures regarding oxygen use to ensure safety and efficiency.
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