Cross Infection
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Preventing Infection Transmission in Workplaces
Understanding Infection Transmission
Infections can spread not only from person to person but also via surfaces or objects:
- Harmful bacteria can transfer from person, body fluids, or infected material to surfaces.
- When someone touches the contaminated surface, the infection can be passed on.
- Common infections like the common cold can also spread this way.
Importance of Workplace Protocols
Workplace protocols must be strictly followed to reduce or eliminate such transmissions:
- Use of proper hand washing, PPE, and common sense in cleaning techniques is crucial.
- These measures help reduce the risk of infection transmission.
Infections in Care Environments
In care environments, infections can be transmitted between:
- Visitors to patients or staff
- Patients or staff to visitors
Routes of Infection
Infections enter the body through various routes:
- It is essential to understand these routes to prevent infections.
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