Testing and Counselling
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Testing Source Patients for Blood-Borne Viruses (BBVs)
Information Gathering
The designated doctor will gather information about the source patient, including:
- Possible indicators of BBV infection.
- Risk factors.
- Results of previous HIV and Hepatitis tests.
Consent for Testing
The source patient should:
- Be asked to consent to testing for BBV infections (HIV, HBV, HCV).
- Undergo pre-test discussions to obtain fully informed consent.
Ensuring Consent
Consent for testing is typically granted when handled appropriately.
Balancing Health Interests
Situations may require balancing:
- The health interests of the exposed healthcare worker.
- The interests of others and the source patient.
Guidance and Justification
The doctor should:
- Refer to GMC guidance on serious Communicable Diseases.
- Be able to justify their actions based on the circumstances.
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