AED Pad Placement
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AED Usage: Step-by-Step Guide
1. Introduction to AED Models
Different AED Models and Common European Guidelines
- Varied AED Models: Multiple defibrillator models available in the market.
- Consistent Guidelines: European guidelines ensure uniformity in AED operation and prompts.
2. AED Setup and Pad Placement
Proper AED Setup and Pad Placement
- Power On: Turn on the AED and follow voice prompts.
- Call for Assistance: Initiate a call for medical help.
- Pad Preparation: Pull out the pads and remove the patient's clothing to expose the chest.
- Correct Pad Placement: Position the pads as indicated on the AED.
- Monitoring and Analysis: Allow the AED to analyze the heart rhythm without touching the patient.
- Shock Advisory: Follow AED prompts if a shock is advised.
3. CPR Assistance and Guidance
Guided CPR Process with AED Support
- Initiating CPR: Begin chest compressions as instructed.
- Metronome Guidance: Maintain the recommended compression speed (120 per minute).
- AED Voice Prompts: Follow the AED's verbal instructions for effective CPR.
- Shockable Rhythms: AED only delivers a shock for ventricular fibrillation (VF) or ventricular tachycardia.
- Fallback Position: Injuries to chest areas may require front and back pad placement.
4. Importance of AED in CPR
Enhanced Survival Chances with AED and CPR
- Survival Rates: CPR alone provides approximately 10% survival chance; AED and CPR together offer up to 85% survival.
- Safe Usage: AEDs are designed to only deliver shocks for shockable rhythms, ensuring patient safety.
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