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All About Glucagon: A Vital Hormone
Understanding Glucagon
Crucial Information on Usage and Administration
- Presentation: Glucagon, also known as glucogen, is typically supplied as 1 milligram of powder in a vial, requiring reconstitution with water for injection.
- Administration Route: Administered intramuscularly, typically in the anterior lateral aspect of the thigh or upper arm.
- Function: Glucagon is a hormone that facilitates the conversion of glycogen to glucose in the liver, leading to an increase in blood glucose levels.
- Contraindications: Care should be taken when glucagon is not suitable for use, such as when glycogen stores are low, which may occur shortly after glucagon administration. It is also contraindicated for hypoglycemic seizures, for which 10% glucose IV is the preferred intervention.
- Effectiveness: To assess the treatment's effectiveness, monitor blood glucose levels five to 10 minutes after administration.
- Not for IV Injection: Avoid administering glucagon via IV injection, as it can lead to increased vomiting.
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