Buccal Midazolam kits
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Buccal Midazolam: Effective Seizure Management
Understanding Buccal Midazolam Delivery
Exploring Different Forms, Dosages, and Administration Techniques
Pre-filled Syringes
- Colour-Coded Syringes: Syringes are colour-coded for easy identification (e.g., orange, purple, blue, yellow) based on patient age (e.g., less than 18 years, less than 10 years, less than five years, less than one year).
- Prescription-Based Dosage: Dosages are patient-specific and should not be calculated unless a healthcare professional is assigned to that role.
- Verify Critical Details: Confirm patient identity, dosage, and expiry date on the syringe label to ensure accuracy and safety.
- Seal Integrity: Ensure that the seal on the syringe is intact; never use medication with a broken seal.
- Administration: Administer the drug into the buccal mucosa (between the outer gum and cheek) without a needle.
- Effective Absorption: Encourage gentle rubbing to aid drug absorption through the mucous membrane.
- Documentation: Record the administration time and dosage in the patient's drug record.
Liquid Form
- For Set Dosages: Suitable when patients require a specific midazolam dose.
- Safe Bottle Design: Bottles feature a safety lid to prevent tampering.
- Pipette Compatibility: Bottles have a built-in bung for secure pipette placement.
- Dosage Preparation: Shake the bottle to ensure proper mixing, then draw the required dose into a syringe with marked dilutions.
- Administration: Administer the drug into the buccal mucosa as described earlier, without a needle.
Always prioritise patient safety, confirming critical details and adhering to proper administration techniques.
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