Compression only CPR
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Compression-Only CPR: Keeping the Brain Alive
1. Introduction
Addressing CPR Challenges in Emergency Situations
- No Access to a Defibrillator: In some cases, a defibrillator may not be readily available.
- Avoiding Mouth-to-Mouth: Instances where mouth-to-mouth resuscitation is not feasible due to contamination concerns or personal discomfort.
2. Compression-Only CPR
Preserving Brain Function Through Continuous Chest Compressions
- Brain Oxygenation: Emphasizing the critical role of CPR in maintaining oxygen flow to the brain.
- Time Constraint: Recognizing the limited timeframe (approximately 8 minutes) to sustain brain function without circulation.
- Untrained or Unwilling to Perform Mouth-to-Mouth: Compression-only CPR is a suitable alternative.
- Trained for Mouth-to-Mouth: For those comfortable with mouth-to-mouth, the recommended approach is 30 compressions followed by two breaths.
- Consistent Compression: In compression-only CPR, there's no need to alternate with breaths; maintain continuous chest compressions.
- Target Organ: The Brain
- Efficiency Matters: Proper depth and rate of compressions increase the chances of brain survival.
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