Primary Survey
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The Primary Survey in Patient Assessment
Discover the crucial steps of the primary survey in patient assessment, a fundamental process employed consistently in healthcare.
The Primary Survey Components
- D for Danger: The initial assessment begins with evaluating the scene for potential dangers.
- R for Response: Assess the patient's level of consciousness by asking, "Are you okay?"
- CABCDE Mnemonic: Follow the mnemonic CABCDE for systematic evaluation:
- C for Catastrophic Bleeding: Identify and address rapid, life-threatening bleeding.
- A for Airway: Ensure the airway is clear to maintain breathing.
- B for Breathing: Assess respiratory rate, lung function, oxygen levels, and signs of cyanosis.
- C for Circulation: Check the patient's colour, pulse, blood pressure, and assess for bleeding or abnormalities in cavities.
- D for Dysfunction: Evaluate pupils, blood sugar levels, level of consciousness (using the AVPU scale), and temperature.
- E for Expose and Examine: Thoroughly examine the patient for rashes, oedema, bruises, haemorrhage, or other indications of their condition.
Identifying Life-Threatening Conditions
The primary survey is swift, taking only a few seconds, and aims to identify and address life-threatening issues promptly. Complications discovered during this survey take precedence as they pose the greatest risk to the patient's survival.
Upon completing the primary survey without identifying life-threatening conditions, further investigations and assessments can be conducted.
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