Pocket Mask - Advanced
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Enhancing CPR Effectiveness with a Pocket Mask and Oxygen
Improving CPR Efficiency Through Proper Ventilation
Utilizing a Pocket Mask
Simple Steps to Enhance CPR
- Accessibility: Ensuring the availability of pocket masks in hospital wards and crash trolleys.
- Ease of Use: The straightforward and user-friendly nature of pocket masks.
- Deployment: Retrieving the mask from its heart-shaped container, typically in a folded position.
- Proper Mask Placement: Positioning the mask with the pointy end over the patient's nose, then rolling it down to cover the mouth.
- Optimal Ventilation: Utilizing both hands to tilt the patient's head back and administer two inflations.
Enhancing CPR Efficiency
Maximizing CPR Effectiveness Through Oxygen Connection
- Oxygen Supply: Connecting the pocket mask to an oxygen supply for improved ventilation.
- Oxygen Content: Understanding that normal exhalation contains about 16% oxygen.
- Increased Oxygen: Elevating oxygen content closer to 100% by connecting to a 100% oxygen supply.
- Proper Oxygen Flow: Setting the oxygen supply at 15 litres per minute for optimal results.
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