Advanced CPR Overview
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Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Essentials
Understanding CPR and Its Purpose
Efforts to Maintain Cerebral Perfusion
- Cardiac Arrest: Occurs when the heart ceases to beat; it is essential to recognize and act quickly.
- Objective: Replicate heart function to ensure oxygen flow to the brain.
- CPR Technique: Involves chest compressions to pump blood through the circulatory system.
Recognizing Cardiac Arrest
Identifying Unresponsiveness and Abnormal Breathing
- Signs of Cardiac Arrest: May include seizure-like movements, incomprehensible sounds, and initial eye opening.
- Breathing Patterns: Breathing may continue but become irregular and agonal gasps, often mistaken for normal breathing.
- Confirmation: Verify unresponsiveness and absence of normal breathing through stimulation and assessment.
Starting Chest Compressions
Effective Chest Compression Technique
- Positioning: Ensure proper alignment for efficient chest compressions.
- Technique: Use interlocked fingers to compress the lower half of the sternum at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.
- Efficiency: Maintain an ideal position to prevent fatigue and ensure effective compression depth.
Compressions and Ventilations
Proper Sequence and Considerations
- CPR Sequence: Begin with 30 compressions followed by two ventilations if necessary.
- Ventilations: Not always essential for adult cardiac arrest; focus on compressions that circulate available oxygen.
- Effort Continuation: Despite fatigue, maintain uninterrupted chest compressions to sustain perfusion pressure.
Calling for Help
Seeking Assistance During CPR
- Lonely Rescuer: If alone, call for help and continue CPR until additional assistance arrives.
- Hospital Setting: Activate the crash team and continue 30 compressions to two ventilations.
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