Bag Valve Masks
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Using the Bag Valve Mask for Effective Ventilation
Ensuring Adequate Ventilation with the Bag Valve Mask
Optimal Ventilation Technique
Key Steps for Effective Ventilation
- Airway Adjuncts: Employing airway adjuncts to facilitate proper ventilation.
- Bag Valve Mask Capacity: Understanding that the mask's chamber holds approximately 1,200 millilitres of air.
- Controlled Ventilation: Emulating natural breathing patterns with gentle inhalation and slow exhalation.
- Preventing Epiglottis Closure: Ventilating in a manner that avoids epiglottis closure, which can redirect air into the stomach.
- Sealing the Mask: Using a "C" shape hand technique to achieve a secure seal around the patient's face.
- Proper Mask Placement: Placing the mask over the bridge of the nose and securing it with fingers over the mandible's hard bone.
Ventilation Procedure
Executing Ventilation for Optimal Results
- Head Position: Tilt the patient's head back to ensure a clear airway.
- Respiratory Rate: Maintain a normal respiratory rate for adults, typically once every five or six seconds.
- Monitoring Chest Movement: Observe the chest for rising and falling, confirming effective lung ventilation.
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